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Green Stompy (60)
What I Think

4 Call Of The Herd
4 Bird of Paradise
4 Llanowar Elves
4 Noble Panther
4 Kavu Titan
3 Voice of All
2 Charging Troll
4 Armadillo Cloak
4 Giant Growth
3 Overrun
2 Wax/Wane
4 Brushland
9 Forest
9 Plains
In the old days, we have seen a few good white/green decks, notably Ernham-Geddon and Maro-Geddon. Most utilize the power of the ultimate land destruction: Armageddon, by casting a lot of big cheap creatures backed up with creature and artifact mana sources before firing Armageddon, leaving the opponent helpless. We also have seen the combo of Balance and Zuran Orb.

When Invasion first came out, before 6th Edition rolled out of Type 2, we see the emerge of Kavu-Geddon, featuring the Ernham Djinn and Maro replacement namely Kavu Titan. But now, Classic 6th Edition is gone and so is Armageddon. Would white/green can be as before?

Hopely yes!

In the deck list beside, we see the reprinted card: Overrun. Many green mages rejoiced as they celebrate the return of the best pump card in Odyssey and many have started to build mono-green stompy with cards like Kavu Titan and Blurred Mongoose. But many argue that white/green will be better by mean of weenie creatures and more board control cards like Wrath of God and Disenchant.

The deck is very simple and straight forward. What you need to do is to cast a first turn Llanowar Elves or Bird of Paradise, and then possibliy a second turn Call of The Herd or Noble Panther and then cast Armadillo Cloak on them as soon as possible and you are off to a great start if your opponent can't counter your strategy. It is all about speed and beat down. Armadillo Cloak functions as a pumper and a life gaining tool that help you extend the game further while Kavu Titan in the other hand is as flexible as usual whether to be a small fast 2/2 or a 4th turn 5/5 trampler (if you are good enough it is a 3rd turn casualty).

Let's talk about board control. Many argue that Wrath of God is not a good insertion in g/w deck as it destroys your own creature. Well I personally agree to this statement to some extend (how much I missed Sword To Plowshares) and I think Wrath of God belongs to the sideboard as well as Rout. It is unlike in w/u control, where the blue mage can easily refill his hand with cards like Fact or Fiction and cantrip like Repulse. I have come across people who tried to play g/w control with weenies and white control cards like Wrath of God and Orim's Chant, and argue it is as good as g/u. Well I totally laugh at the statement.

I pointed out, saying Wrath of God is not suitable and this version of g/w is totally slow. Even when he is playing with uncounterable untargetable creature like Nimble Mongoose and Kavu Chameleon, he just don't see that the creatures are so small and vulnerable. Normal creatures can bring down a chameleon and mongoose as easy as ABC that people don't need to target them with spells. And playing with Wrath of God, I am certain he wil be firing it as often as he got them in hand. So what's the use of playing with these untargetable creatures? And Orim's Chant may buy him some time but the problem here is that what can a g/w mage do after he cast a Wrath of God? How fast can he rebuild his creature kingdom? And this refill job is certainly the power of blue mage.

So it is back to speed and beatdown again.

© Rymond Wong 2001